Pittsburgh Home Inspection Facts


Pittsburgh, PA is over 250 years old with homes for sale in ranging anywhere from a 1 year old to over 200 years old. Some homes better kept and built with more quality than others. Regardless of the age and condition it is common to find issues ranging anywhere for Minor/ Maintenance to Major/ Structural and Safety Hazards.

Keep in mind that all Pittsburgh Home Inspectors are not created equal. Some Home Inspectors lose sight of what they are hired for. Some Home inspectors breeze through a home looking to make a quick dollar. Some Home Inspectors tend to turn a Mole Hill into a mountain where as others are committed to protecting each and every client and goes above and beyond the qualification requirement and standards of practice. Some Home Inspection Reports are more detailed than others, whereas some a very vague. It is very important, whether a first time home buyer or a property investor to do research and find a Qualified and Reputable Home Inspector that you will hire on your next home purchase.  There are plenty of websites that have review on home inspectors. It is worth taking the time.

A Pittsburgh Home Inspection is not designed for renegotiation. However it is not uncommon to be used as that. For an inspection can sometimes turn up some unexpected costly repairs that were unknown before placing an offer.  This being said, a home owner is not required to fix or pay for any of the repairs. Some sellers are more willing to work with home buyers after the home inspections but not always. A Home Inspectors true purpose is to evaluate the actual condition of a home and document the factual defects in a detailed easy to read report to better prepare and educate a home buyer. A Home Inspection report is broken down into component of the house to make it easier to navigate through any potential defect that is uncovered during the inspection.  After having a Home Inspection completed it would be best to put together a prioritized list of repairs with quotes and decide if the home fits your budget.

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